C Programming Interview Questions and Answers C Programming Interview Questions and Answers

C Programming Interview Questions and Answers

80+ C Programming Interview Questions and Answers in 2024

C programming is a fundamental skill for many software development roles. Here’s a comprehensive list of 80+ commonly asked C programming interview questions and their answers to help you prepare effectively.

1. What is C?

C is a high-level programming language that provides low-level access to memory and is known for its efficiency and performance. It is widely used for system programming, embedded systems, and developing applications.

2. What are the basic data types in C?

The basic data types in C include:

  • int (integer)
  • char (character)
  • float (floating-point)
  • double (double-precision floating-point)

3. What is a pointer in C?

A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable. It allows direct access and manipulation of memory.

4. What is the difference between malloc and calloc?


  • malloc(size_t size): Allocates a block of memory of the specified size but does not initialize it.
  • calloc(size_t num, size_t size): Allocates memory for an array of num elements, each of size size, and initializes all bytes to zero.

5. How do you declare a pointer to a function?

To declare a pointer to a function, use the following syntax:

cCopy codereturn_type (*pointer_name)(parameter_types);

For example:

cCopy codeint (*func_ptr)(int, int);

6. What is the difference between == and = in C?


  • ==: The equality operator, used to compare two values.
  • =: The assignment operator, used to assign a value to a variable.

7. What is a struct in C?

A struct (short for structure) is a user-defined data type in C that groups together variables of different data types under a single name.

8. How do you pass an array to a function in C?

You can pass an array to a function by specifying the array’s name without brackets. The function receives a pointer to the first element of the array.

cCopy codevoid function(int arr[]) {
    // Function code

9. What is a typedef in C?

typedef is a keyword used to create an alias for an existing data type, making code more readable and easier to manage.

cCopy codetypedef unsigned long ulong;

10. What are macros in C?

Macros are preprocessor directives used to define constants or functions that are replaced by their values or code snippets before compilation.

cCopy code#define PI 3.14
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

11. How do you handle errors in C?

Errors in C can be handled using error codes, errno, and the perror function to print error messages. Proper error handling often involves checking the return values of functions.

12. What is the difference between ++i and i++?


  • ++i: Pre-increment operator; increments i before using its value.
  • i++: Post-increment operator; uses i’s value before incrementing it.

13. What are the storage classes in C?

The storage classes in C are:

  • auto: Default storage class for local variables.
  • register: Suggests storing the variable in a CPU register.
  • static: Preserves variable value between function calls.
  • extern: Declares a variable or function that is defined in another file.

14. What is the purpose of the static keyword?


  • In a function: Preserves the value of a local variable between function calls.
  • In a file: Restricts the visibility of a variable or function to the file it is declared in.

15. How do you dynamically allocate memory in C?

Memory can be dynamically allocated using malloc, calloc, realloc, and deallocated using free.

cCopy codeint *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);

16. What is the sizeof operator?

sizeof is an operator that returns the size, in bytes, of a data type or variable.

cCopy codesize_t size = sizeof(int);

17. What is a segmentation fault?

A segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access memory that it is not allowed to, such as accessing an out-of-bounds array element or dereferencing a null pointer.

18. What are file operations in C?

File operations in C include opening, reading, writing, and closing files using functions from the stdio.h library, such as fopen, fread, fwrite, and fclose.

19. How do you define a constant in C?

Constants can be defined using the const keyword or #define preprocessor directive.

cCopy codeconst int MAX_SIZE = 100;
#define MAX_SIZE 100

20. What is a bit field in C?

A bit field is a feature in C that allows you to allocate a specific number of bits for a variable within a struct, which can be used to efficiently store data.

21. What is the difference between strcpy and strncpy?


  • strcpy: Copies a null-terminated string to a destination buffer without bounds checking.
  • strncpy: Copies up to a specified number of characters and pads with null bytes if the source string is shorter.

22. What is the difference between fopen and freopen?


  • fopen: Opens a new file or opens an existing file.
  • freopen: Reopens an existing file stream with a new file or mode.

23. What is the purpose of #include directive?

The #include directive is used to include the contents of a file, such as header files, into a C program. It helps in code modularity and reusability.

24. What is a union in C?

A union is a data structure that allows storing different data types in the same memory location. Only one member of the union can be accessed at a time.

25. What is recursion?

Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem. Each recursive call should progress towards a base case to prevent infinite recursion.

26. What is the main function in C?

The main function is the entry point of a C program. It is where execution begins and typically returns an integer value to indicate the success or failure of the program.

27. How do you use command-line arguments in C?

Command-line arguments are passed to the main function as parameters:

cCopy codeint main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // argc: number of arguments
    // argv: array of argument strings

28. What is the difference between == and = in C?


  • ==: Equality operator used to compare two values.
  • =: Assignment operator used to assign a value to a variable.

29. What is a typedef in C?

typedef is used to create an alias for an existing data type, improving code readability and manageability.

cCopy codetypedef unsigned long ulong;

30. How do you handle errors in C?

Errors in C are often handled by checking return values of functions and using errno to determine error conditions. The perror function can print error messages.

31. What are the differences between ++i and i++?


  • ++i: Pre-increment operator; increments the value of i before using it.
  • i++: Post-increment operator; uses the current value of i and then increments it.

32. What are the different storage classes in C?

The storage classes in C are:

  • auto: Default for local variables.
  • register: Suggests storing in a CPU register.
  • static: Preserves variable value between function calls.
  • extern: Declares variables or functions defined in other files.

33. What is static keyword used for in C?


  • In a function: To preserve the value of a local variable between function calls.
  • In a file: To restrict the visibility of variables or functions to the file scope.

34. What is the purpose of the sizeof operator?

The sizeof operator returns the size, in bytes, of a data type or variable, allowing you to determine memory requirements for different types.

35. What is a segmentation fault?

A segmentation fault occurs when a program attempts to access memory it is not allowed to, often due to dereferencing a null or invalid pointer.

36. How do you dynamically allocate memory in C?

Memory is dynamically allocated using malloc, calloc, and realloc, and deallocated using free.

cCopy codeint *ptr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);

37. What is the difference between fopen and freopen?


  • fopen: Opens a new file or existing file.
  • freopen: Reopens an existing file stream with a new file or mode.

38. What is a bit field in C?

A bit field allows you to allocate a specific number of bits for a variable within a struct, enabling efficient use of memory.

39. What is the main function?

The main function is the entry point of a C program. It is where execution begins and usually returns an integer value to indicate the success or failure of the program.

40. What is recursion in C?

Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem. Each recursive call should progress toward a base case to avoid infinite recursion.

41. What is the purpose of #include directive?

The #include directive includes the contents of a file, such as header files, into a C program, promoting code reuse and modularity.

42. What is a union in C?

A union is a data structure that allows different data types to share the same memory location. Only one member can be accessed at a time.

43. What is a struct in C?

A struct (short for structure) is a user-defined data type that groups variables of different data types under one name, allowing for more complex data management.

44. How do you pass an array to a function?

Arrays are passed to functions by specifying the array name without brackets, which passes a pointer to the first element of the array.

cCopy codevoid function(int arr[]) {
    // Function code

45. What are macros in C?

Macros are preprocessor directives used to define constants or code snippets that are replaced before compilation.

cCopy code#define PI 3.14
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))

46. What is the sizeof operator used for?

The sizeof operator returns the size, in bytes, of a data type or variable, useful for memory management and data structure definitions.

47. What is the difference between ++i and i++?


  • ++i: Pre-increment; increments the value before using it.
  • i++: Post-increment; uses the value before incrementing.

48. What is the difference between strcpy and strncpy?


  • strcpy: Copies a string to a destination buffer without bounds checking.
  • strncpy: Copies up to a specified number of characters and pads with null bytes if needed.

49. What are file operations in C?

File operations include opening files with fopen, reading/writing with fread/fwrite, and closing files with fclose.

50. What is the const keyword used for?

The const keyword defines a variable whose value cannot be changed after initialization.

51. How do you handle errors in C?

Errors are handled by checking return values and using errno for error codes. The perror function can provide descriptive error messages.

52. What is a bit field?

A bit field is a data structure that allows specifying the number of bits used for a variable within a struct, enabling efficient memory usage.

53. What is the purpose of the static keyword?


  • In a function: Retains the value of a local variable across function calls.
  • In a file: Limits visibility to the file scope.

54. How do you handle command-line arguments in C?

Command-line arguments are handled through main function parameters: int argc (argument count) and char *argv[] (argument values).

55. What is a typedef in C?

typedef creates an alias for an existing data type, improving code readability and management.

cCopy codetypedef unsigned long ulong;

56. What is a segmentation fault?

A segmentation fault occurs when a program tries to access memory it is not allowed to, often due to dereferencing invalid pointers.

57. How do you define a constant in C?

Constants are defined using the const keyword or #define preprocessor directive.

cCopy codeconst int MAX_SIZE = 100;
#define MAX_SIZE 100

58. What is a struct in C?

A struct is a user-defined data type that groups together variables of different types under a single name, facilitating complex data management.

59. What is the main function in C?

The main function is the entry point of a C program, where execution begins. It typically returns an integer value to indicate success or failure.

60. What is recursion in C?

Recursion is a technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem. Each recursive call should progress towards a base case to avoid infinite recursion.

61. What is a union in C?

A union allows different data types to occupy the same memory space. Only one member can be accessed at a time.

62. How do you handle errors in C?

Errors are managed by checking function return values, using errno for error codes, and employing the perror function to print error messages.

63. What are macros in C?

Macros are preprocessor directives that define constants or code snippets, which are replaced before compilation to simplify code.

64. What is malloc and free used for?


  • malloc(size_t size): Allocates a block of memory of the specified size.
  • free(void *ptr): Deallocates memory previously allocated by malloc, calloc, or realloc.

65. What is the purpose of #include directive?

The #include directive is used to include the contents of a file, such as header files, into a C program to enable code modularity and reuse.

66. How do you define and use an array in C?

An array is defined as a collection of elements of the same data type.

cCopy codeint arr[10]; // Array of 10 integers
arr[0] = 1;  // Accessing array elements

67. What is the difference between fopen and freopen?


  • fopen: Opens a new or existing file.
  • freopen: Reopens an existing file stream with a new file or mode.

68. How do you declare and initialize a multi-dimensional array?

A multi-dimensional array can be declared and initialized as follows:

cCopy codeint matrix[3][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}, {7, 8, 9}};

69. What is the const keyword used for in C?

The const keyword is used to define variables whose value cannot be modified after initialization.

70. How do you use switch statements in C?

The switch statement allows multi-way branching based on the value of an expression.

cCopy codeswitch (variable) {
    case 1:
        // code
    case 2:
        // code
        // code

71. What is the difference between struct and union?


  • struct: Stores different data types with each member occupying separate memory locations.
  • union: Stores different data types in the same memory location, with only one member accessible at a time.

72. How do you define a function in C?

A function in C is defined with a return type, a name, and parameters (if any). It includes a block of code that executes when the function is called.

cCopy codeint add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

73. What is the difference between ++i and i++ in terms of operations?


  • ++i: Pre-increment; increments the value and then uses it.
  • i++: Post-increment; uses the value first and then increments it.

74. How do you use for loops in C?

The for loop is used for iteration with a defined initialization, condition, and increment/decrement.

cCopy codefor (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    // code

75. What is the difference between fscanf and scanf?


  • scanf: Reads formatted input from the standard input.
  • fscanf: Reads formatted input from a file stream.

76. How do you handle strings in C?

Strings in C are handled as arrays of characters ending with a null terminator ('\0'). Standard library functions like strcpy, strlen, and strcmp are used for string manipulation.

77. What is a static variable?

A static variable retains its value across function calls and is only initialized once, maintaining its state between calls.

78. How do you define and use constants in C?

Constants are defined using the const keyword or #define preprocessor directive.

cCopy codeconst int MAX = 100;
#define MAX 100

79. What is the difference between malloc and calloc?


  • malloc(size_t size): Allocates a block of memory without initializing it.
  • calloc(size_t num, size_t size): Allocates memory for an array and initializes all bits to zero.

80. How do you use pointers in C?

Pointers are variables that store the address of another variable. They are used for dynamic memory allocation, array manipulation, and function arguments.

cCopy codeint a = 10;
int *ptr = &a; // Pointer to 'a'

These questions cover a wide range of fundamental concepts in C programming, useful for interviews and understanding core programming principles.

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