How to Create SEO-Friendly How to Create SEO-Friendly

How to Create SEO-Friendly

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs: A Simple Guide

Creating SEO-friendly URLs is an important part of optimizing your website for search engines like Google. The right URL can help improve your rankings, make your site more user-friendly, and increase your chances of getting clicked in search results.

In this guide, we’ll break down what an SEO-friendly URL is, why it matters, and how you can create URLs that boost your website’s performance.

What Is an SEO-Friendly URL?

An SEO-friendly URL is a web address that is easy to read, understand, and includes keywords that tell search engines what the page is about. It’s short, descriptive, and avoids unnecessary characters or symbols.

For example, an SEO-friendly URL might look like this:

On the other hand, a non-SEO-friendly URL might look like this:

The first URL is simple, tells the reader exactly what to expect, and contains important keywords (“healthy snack ideas”). The second one is hard to understand and doesn’t provide any clues about the content.

Why SEO-Friendly URLs Matter

SEO-friendly URLs are important for both search engines and users. Here’s why:

1. Better Search Engine Rankings

Search engines use URLs to understand what a page is about. If your URL contains relevant keywords, it helps Google and other search engines index your page properly and rank it higher in search results.

2. Improved User Experience

A clean and simple URL gives users a better idea of what they’ll find on your page. This improves trust and makes them more likely to click on your link.

3. Higher Click-Through Rate (CTR)

URLs that are easy to read and descriptive can increase your click-through rate—the number of people who click on your link from search results. A clear, keyword-rich URL tells users that your page is relevant to their search.

4. Easier Sharing

SEO-friendly URLs are easier to share on social media, email, or other platforms. A short and meaningful URL is more appealing and memorable than a long string of random characters.

How to Create SEO-Friendly URLs

Ready to optimize your URLs? Follow these simple steps to create SEO-friendly URLs that both search engines and users will love.

1. Use Keywords in Your URL

Including relevant keywords in your URL helps search engines understand what your page is about. Choose keywords that match the content of the page and what users are likely to search for.

For example, if you’re writing an article about weight loss tips, your URL could look like this:

Avoid stuffing too many keywords into the URL—keep it natural and focused.

2. Keep URLs Short and Simple

Short URLs are easier for users to read and remember. They’re also easier to share. Aim for URLs that are no longer than 60 characters. If your URL is too long, it can get cut off in search results, reducing its effectiveness.

Here’s an example of a short, simple URL:

Avoid long URLs like this:

3. Use Hyphens to Separate Words

When creating an SEO-friendly URL, use hyphens (-) to separate words, not underscores (_). Google treats hyphens as spaces between words, which helps search engines read and understand the URL better.


Avoid using underscores like this:

4. Avoid Special Characters

Special characters like &, %, $, @, and ! should be avoided in URLs. They can cause issues with how browsers and search engines handle your links. Stick to letters, numbers, and hyphens to keep your URLs clean and readable.

Here’s an example:

Avoid this:

5. Keep It Lowercase

Always use lowercase letters in your URLs. Some web servers treat uppercase and lowercase letters differently, which can lead to confusion and errors. For consistency and simplicity, keep all letters in lowercase.

For example:

Avoid using uppercase letters like this:

6. Remove Unnecessary Words

Words like “and,” “the,” “of,” and “in” often don’t add much value to your URL. Removing these unnecessary words helps keep your URL short and focused.

For example:

Instead of:

7. Use a Clear Structure

Your URL should follow a logical structure that reflects the organization of your site. If you have multiple sections or categories, make sure the URL shows the hierarchy clearly.

For example:

This structure helps both users and search engines understand the flow of your website. Avoid URLs that are too deep or complicated:

8. Avoid URL Parameters

URL parameters (like ?id=123 or &session=abc) are confusing to users and search engines. These parameters are often used for tracking or filtering but can make URLs harder to understand and rank. Try to avoid them whenever possible.

For example, use:

Instead of:

9. Redirect Old URLs Properly

If you need to change an existing URL, make sure to set up a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new one. This helps maintain any SEO value from the old URL and prevents users from landing on broken pages.

For example, if you change:


Set up a 301 redirect so visitors and search engines are sent to the right page.

10. Keep It Relevant to the Content

Your URL should always match the content of the page. Misleading URLs can confuse users and hurt your rankings. Make sure the keywords and structure of the URL clearly represent the page’s topic.

For example, if the page is about baking tips, don’t create a URL like this:

Instead, use something relevant like:

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating URLs

To make sure your URLs are SEO-friendly, avoid these common mistakes:

  • Keyword Stuffing: Overloading your URL with keywords can look spammy and hurt your rankings.
  • Using Underscores or Spaces: Always use hyphens to separate words.
  • Too Many Folders: Avoid deep URLs with too many folders (e.g., /category/subcategory/subsubcategory).
  • Changing URLs Without Redirects: Always use 301 redirects if you change a URL.


Creating SEO-friendly URLs is an important part of optimizing your website for both search engines and users. By using keywords, keeping URLs short, avoiding special characters, and following a clear structure, you can improve your site’s visibility and make it easier for users to navigate.

Remember, a good URL is not just about search engine rankings—it’s also about providing a better user experience.


Q.1 What is an SEO-friendly URL?

An SEO-friendly URL is a web address that is easy to read, includes keywords, and is optimized for both search engines and users. It should be short, descriptive, and free from unnecessary characters.

Q.2 Why are hyphens better than underscores in URLs?

Hyphens are better because Google treats them as spaces between words. Underscores are not treated the same way and can make it harder for search engines to understand the content.

Q.3 How long should an SEO-friendly URL be?

Ideally, an SEO-friendly URL should be no longer than 60 characters. Shorter URLs are easier to read, share, and rank in search engines.

Q.4 What should I avoid in URLs?

Avoid using special characters, uppercase letters, unnecessary words, and URL parameters. These can make URLs harder to understand and hurt SEO.

Q.5 Do keywords in URLs help SEO?

Yes, including relevant keywords in your URL can help search engines understand the content of the page and improve your chances of ranking higher in search results.

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